Vilnius Bridges Illuminated to Mark 102nd Anniversary of Restoration of the Independence of Georgia


On the eve of the Day of Restoration of the Independence of Georgia, Vilnius traditionally congratulates its friends – tonight the White (Baltasis) and the Žvėryno bridges are illuminated in the colours of the national flag of Georgia. This year, Georgians are celebrating the 102nd anniversary of this special event: on 26 May 1918, the Declaration of Independence was signed and the restoration of an independent state was announced in Georgia. The Embassy of Georgia to the Republic of Lithuania is to unfold a giant flag in the Cathedral Square in Vilnius tomorrow at 3:55 p.m., and at 4:10 p.m. the national anthem of Georgia will be sung.

Nuotr. Sauliaus Žiūros

“The ties between Vilnius and Georgia, which were established long ago, have always remained very strong in the common fight for freedom and independence. I am delighted that we have Tbilisi Square in Vilnius and that Tbilisi also has Vilnius Square. Last year, when we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our twinning relationship, we unveiled a renewed memorial stone with inscription “Sakartvelo”. I am confident that we will continue fostering this friendship. On behalf of all Vilnius city dwellers, I congratulate the people of Georgia on the occasion of this national holiday – let’s cherish and preserve our freedom together,” Vilnius city mayor Remigijus Šimašius said.

Sakartvelo has also congratulated Vilnius and Lithuania on the occasion of anniversary of restoration of the state this year as well. To this end, the most prominent object of Tbilisi – TV tower – was illuminated in the colours of the flag of Lithuania on 11 March.

Back in 2017, Vilnius congratulated the people of Sakartvelo on the opening of the opportunity to travel in Europe freely – a surprise was organised for more than 130 guests who arrived to the capital of Lithuania from Kutaisi without visas – they were welcomed at Vilnius Airport with music and refreshments.

The town-twinning agreement of the both capitals – Vilnius and Tbilisi – was signed in 2009. The same year, Vilnius Square with a children’s playground and a fountain was opened in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. The square also has a unique wall to remind of the wall on Literatų Street in Vilnius. Vilnius Square in Tbilisi also has a gift from Vilnius city dwellers – a “magic tile” made by sculptor Gitenis Umbrasas. In 2015, Tbilisi Square was installed in Vilnius at the junction of A. Mickevičiaus and Kęstučio Streets. The square has benches with the initials of Tbilisi, a memorial stone was unveiled. Here, the traditional festival  Tbilisoba is organised annually by the Embassy of Georgia.