Vilnius Offers Vaccine Instead of Test

What can protect you against severe forms of COVID-19: a test or a vaccine? Vilnius believes that vaccines is the only way to containing the pandemic. Following the national-level resolution to offer free COVID-19 testing to those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, the number of tests done in Vilnius has increased almost seven times, however, the capital city has no plans to increase the scope or resources of testing any further. It has decided to focus on vaccination instead.

Vilnius city dwellers are now offered vaccines closer to their homes – vaccination buses stop near shops, markets, the railway station and other places to which city dwellers go most frequently. The schedule of the vaccination buses is available here:

Vilnius will still provide opportunities of testing to employees of companies and institutions operating in the city who are suspected of having the coronavirus, however, no healthcare providers will come to such establishments to take tests and the number of slots for testing will be limited. Employees of companies will be invited to arrive for testing at a mobile testing unit at V. Gerulaičio g. 1. The scope of testing will depend on the available staff resources, for this reason, we apologise in advance of any inconvenience caused by the neccesity to look for a place to have a paid test done.

Nevertheless, companies and their employees, just like all the other city dwellers, can choose to get a free vaccine which is the only effective way to fight the pandemic and the fast-spreading Delta variant.
Further efforts will be made to contact companies offering them to have their employees vaccinated in a vaccination bus which may arrive at any location.

You can write an email to or make a phone call at 85 2112330 to schedule a visit from a mobile team to vaccinate employees of your company.

So far, slightly more than 50% of city dwellers have been vaccinated in Vilnius, meanwhile, the number of vaccines given in the city amounts to 600,000 (the first dose and the second doce of the two-shot vaccines inclusive).