Another public space is being designed next to the soon-to-be National Concert Hall

On 21 September, the project for the improvement of the public space at V. Kudirkos g. 14 and Z. Sierakausko g. 15 will be presented for public discussion. The area of the site being designed near the future National Concert Hall is 2,015 m2. Most of this space is today occupied by a car access road and parking spaces, while the remaining area is covered with lawn and trees.

The design of the square (developed by MB Studio Space/Time, architect Povilas Marozas) aims at revitalising this space, which is currently neglected and unfit for citizens’ activities. The main objectives of this project are to create an urban public space of good quality suitable for recreation of the adjacent community and citizens.

The territory is currently dominated by mature trees (31 trees in total – lime, robinia, maple, chestnut). Most of the trees are in a good and satisfactory condition and it is recommended to preserve them and to design minor architectural objects according to the specified root protection zone. In the centre of the stand, it is recommended that young native tree species be planted to replace the mature trees in the future.

The design of the square aims at revitalising this space, which is currently neglected and unfit for citizens’ activities. The main objectives of this project are to create an urban public space of good quality suitable for recreation of the adjacent community and citizens.

Some of the solutions proposed by the architects are pragmatically oriented towards improvement of the existing infrastructure of this territory: the design proposals include the reconstruction of pavements, efficient traffic flow and parking spaces, underground containers for household waste collection, convenient network of pedestrian paths, and streamlining of parking spaces. In parallel, maintaining additional greenery, expanding its area and adapting the green space of the square to human activity, preserving the existing mature trees and adding a rich collection of different species of trees, shrubs and perennials that can successfully grow here. At the heart of the project is a quiet recreation area with an organically-shaped dripping fountain on which moss or ferns will grow over time. The creative purpose of this element and the rich undergrowth that surrounds it is to develop an island of serenity next to the busy city street and massive buildings around the square.

The project envisages constructing a rational and logical network of well-proportioned pedestrian walkways to ensure that all residents who live near the square, use the premises or pass through this public space can freely and comfortably move on foot around the square.

A remote presentation of the project will take place on 21 September 2021, from 18.00, meeting link –