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World’s biggest 3D model marketplace setting up in Sapiegos tech park in Vilnius
CGTrader, the world’s largest 3D model marketplace for computer graphics, 3D printing and virtual reality, has officially announced that it is joining Sapiegos tech park in Vilnius. The largest ICT hub in the region, Sapiegos will open its doors this summer, with CGTrader’s new office occupying one of its main buildings.
3D artists, design studios and businesses use CGTrader as a platform for sharing and selling 3D models. Established in 2011, the company currently has more than 500,000 users and 500,000 models on its platform, making it the biggest computer graphics market in the world. Its strong growth has been facilitated by backing from major venture capital funds Intel Capital and Practica Capital.
At the heart of the tech park
CGTrader’s CEO is Dalia Lašaitė, who recently featured in the Hundert magazine’s list of Europe’s top 100 female startup founders. She believes Sapiegos tech park in Vilnius is the emerging centre of the startup ecosystem in Lithuania. “We as a team believe that this was the right step in order for us to expand our knowledge,” says Ms Lašaitė, ”and with so many companies and startups in one place it will be the perfect place to share our insights with other entrepreneurs, as well as learn from each other.”
And as CGTrader’s new office will occupy 335 square metres in the most central building in the park, they’ll be right at the heart of the Sapiegos community, something Ms Lašaitė believes will give them further stimulus. “The tech park’s environment will give us inspiration to keep moving forward,” she says.
Just the beginning
Already identified by Forbes magazine as one of the most ambitious startups in Lithuania, for CGTrader their striking success up to now is still just the beginning. As Dalia Lašaitė points out, “as the VR/AR, 3D sensing and 3D printing markets develop further, both demand and supply of 3D content will grow significantly. Our goal is to build the best platform for sourcing 3D designs as well as discovering and working with 3D designers from all over the world.”
The company already has users from 108 countries around the world, mostly from the USA and Western Europe. And the models on offer are the creations of designers from 113 different countries, with Ukraine topping the list in terms of the number of designers. Clearly, with ambition levels as high as CGTrader’s, passing the 500,000 user threshold is just another step on a much longer path.
Contributing to an ever-growing community
Keen to welcome CGTrader to Sapiegos’ rapidly growing community, Darius Žakaitis, the tech park’s Managing Director, believes the company will play an important role in inspiring other Lithuanian startups. “As one of the most advanced tech companies in Lithuania, CGTrader will definitely be a great example to young businesses in the park and I am thrilled that they are so willing to share their experience,” he said.
And Ms Lašaitė rates the chances of success for the new generation of Lithuanian startups as very high. “From the first few startups that were founded around ten years ago, more and more of them are becoming highly successful, as founders and early employees are gaining valuable knowledge and experience,” she says. “It’s nice to see that the young generation has a completely different view of startup companies and is very excited to work in them. Vilnius Tech Park will allow everybody to contribute to and expand the industry in Lithuania.”
About Sapiegos
The region‘s most complex and integrated ICT hub, Sapiegos tech park in Vilnius aims to attract and unite innovative talent from game development, big data, cyber security, smart solutions, fintech and digital design. The 9000+ square meters of working space, located in renovated 19th century buildings, will hold over 700 working places for entrepreneurs and professionals, who will also benefit from unmatched business development infrastructure and exclusive services from the park’s core partners Startup Highway, TEO and Omnitel, IMI.VC, Game Insight and DNB Bank.
For more information:
Monika Poškaitytė
Communication Coordinator
Sapiegos | Vilnius Tech Park
+370 674 46673
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