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Quadrum Vilnius Aims To Set Benchmark For Business Centres Across The Baltic States
The Quadrum „Business City“ at Konstitucijos 21
On September 29, 2016, the Quadrum „Business City“ opened its doors on the northern bank of the Neris river in Vilnius.
Located at 21 Konstitucijos Avenue, Quadrum covers approximately 74,000 square metres (44m2 office space, and 30,000 m2 parking) and is operated by the Schage Real Estate of Norway, a subsidary of the Norwegian Schage Group who have invested EUR 100 million into the project.
So far, 75 percent of the building’s office space has been rented, and Tony Bishop, the Quadrum Sales and Leasing Director, told Vilnius Municipality that the first businesses who have moved in in 2016 are DnB Bank, Avion Express airlines, the Tark Grunte Sutkiene law firm, and the financial and real estate consultation group, Newsec.
Office space inside Quadrum
Schage Real Estate’s General Director, Kjetil T.Hanssen, commented: „This is the most expensive and ambitious project that we have ever done. Quadrum has also received the prestigious BREEAM certificate for its business environment, and energy efficiency. It is not only a benchmark for business centres and offices in Lithuania, it is also a benchmark for all three Baltic States.“
In addition to benefiting the local economy, Vilnius Mayor, Remigijus Šimašius, thanked the Schage Group for investing in the Lithuanian capital, and for its role in regenerating the Neris’ northern bank.
„My goal is to encourage and support initiatives that contribute to the future development of Vilnius, and part of that is to focus on business and projects that create jobs,“ he said. „The joint efforts to revive the riverbank are not only for our city’s residents, but also for tourists and businesses who choose to come to Vilnius.
„I am confident that this will not be the last Schage Group investment in Vilnius, and that our Norwegian partners will evaluate other development projects to take part in in the future.“
The exterior of Quadrum
Quadrum is also a trendsetter in terms of its environmental friendliness. It is the first business centre in the Baltic States to use geothermal heating, „smart“ ventilation and lighting systems. Rain efficient roofs are also used for insulation.
To further underline its green credentials, Schage has equipped Quadrum with 700 car parking spaces, which include the largest electric vehicle and bicycle charging point in the Lithuanian capital.
Green and clean technologies are key to life at Quadrum
On top of office and conference spaces, Quadrum will be home to a number of leisure facilities including a gym, some of Vilnius’ most popular restaurants (Sofa de Pancho, Jurgis ir Drakonas, and Le Butcher), a Dry Cleaners, and a Narvesen kiosk.
The largest kindergarten franchise in the Baltic States, Vaikystes Sodas, has also opened a branch in Quadrum.
For more information, contact Schage Real Estate General Director, Kjetil T. Hanssen, at
All photos by Saulius Žiūra.
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